Monday, November 30, 2009 you will see many news on this website

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Kong Rey in kompong chang Province

There is a story about this mountain that a woman loved her husband very much and die and became the mountain.

Merlion Park in Singapore

it is a great place to get fresh air in singapore

charity to Preah Vihear Temple by Ministry of transprotation

This is the biggest event for all officials in Royal Government of Cambodia,especially Ministry of Transportation provided the food to soldiers in Cambodin Thailand border standofff in Preah Vihear Temple

Friday, July 31, 2009

Traffic jam in Phnom Penh

This is the action of traffic jam in phnom penh since there are a lot of vehicles in cambodia and the cambodian income increases by selling land in 2008 and the farmers had the money to buy motorbikes more than 2 in one family in countryside.Moreover,government tries to avoid the traffic jam by building infrastructure such as road and others.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

weird design

My car design with the initiator is so nice and beautiful.So, try to see this photo and create as artistic.

Wild animal

Bird is a kind of animal that create the sound very beautiful like the singer. Otherwise, we need to love and take care the bird. they will be our friend.

elephant flying

The amazing elephant flies on the sea and this one is my
first cutting photo in CS4.Fro CS4, it is very nice to do artistic and creating new and beautiful pictures.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Korean song

This song is so popular for several months since they had planned to do concert in Phonm Penh, Cambodia.

singapore port

it is the busiest port in the world according to the survey and it can make much money for singapore government.Otherwise, Cambodia port is opposite and

so quiet to delive the containers from abroad both ports sea and to approve it?Help me

singapore scenery

This view is very nice due to the environmental clean and the people there are nice and friendly with foreigners.Morevoer, they live in a very hygiene and their standard of living are very well since they have GPD per capita increase every year.So Cambodian people must rethink about the environmental problem and
hygiene in rural come poor cambodia?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

fell relax before exam

Today is my final examination,so i need to review all chapter in order to this competition and one more reason, I will graduate this year after this exam.I recomment all students must prepare well before the exam start.

stand in row to answer

Time to answer the prepared-question, our teached-student can answer well because he is so clever and flexible with the situation.Morover, our professor also praise our team member.And he won books and study-material.

The interview of myself with the students overthere, he asked me why i am handsome. I replied you need to clean your body with shampoo and clean your teeth everyday,especially you need to wash your hand with shampoo when you get out of toilet.

study materials

The time is sharing knowledge, we had shared to these students by providing the study method. We already provided some study equipment and bread to them to eat at lunch time

selecting clever students

After sharing knowledge with these children, we took photos and then we can select the clever student to answer the question time because of strengthen the braveness of our students

Monday, July 27, 2009

Central Market Renovation

This one is the popular and long-year market since french colony in Cambodia. We call "Phsar Thmev or Central Market" because it located in the middle of Phnom Penh,Cambodia

The Developed-House in Cambodia

The house in one block in Cambodia and we all call "Tonle Basac Town". It contains lots of houses and condominium inside,especially gymastic for our health

Have lunch at pogoda

we had lunch together at pogoda because we all buddists and we wanted to share and keep in touch with buddha.We had a lots of fun and felt happy because we will do it agian

sharing books in pursat province

All these students came to get the books and get some knowledges from our group member.They are very friendly and clever.

This one is the action that our Cambodian Teacher shared the books and some knowledge to rural teacher and poor students in Pursat Province.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

This is action to help poor student in rural area in Pursat Province,Cambodia. The reason we chose this place because most students here are poor and they need some books to learn especialy english books.And we also gave some knowledge about hygiene to clean their body and the way to greet older people in Cambodian society.

This is action of processing of the product at olympic stadium,Cambodia with my group member.For the first day,we hesitate to show our feeling to our customers because we are the first time to run a business transaction since we are so shy and never talk to anybody else beside our family,so we need to be brave and hard working in order to earn revenue.In addition, we carry our bean drink to sell face to face with customers by persuading them very hard and we need to smile all the time to attract them to buy our soya drink.
See you next episode
Thank you for clicking this story,see you tomorrow

Friday, July 24, 2009

This is the processing that we all decided to do in one member house,Tith Dyana, and she is very kind to us which share anything inside her house like pan, spoon and electronic gas.......and our main hand-made product is soya bean drink which is made by Bean and it is very healthy for our customers.

See you next episode

Thank u for support my blog

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I would like to share some experience with all blog viewers that last term I took marketing subject and our professor recomment us to do the real business running. When I heard that this is a good chance for me to become a businessman,but we need to find the group and create our own hand-made product.moreover, my group had given many hand-made products like coconut juice,fried chicken,and so on.

see the next episode tomorrow
please give me the recommentation for improving me blog and this story

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Santana Song(popular guitar)

Please fell free to tell me more what you all want me to put in my blog.

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Thank you for your support this song.
This website is very cold for beginner English Learner. Try this one........

Tuesday, July 21, 2009