Monday, February 28, 2011

Skyscrapers in Phnom Penh City

Gold Tower 42, on the right side.

Gold Tower 42 on the bottom to top

Gold Tower 42 straight view
Posco Condominium, nearly finish.
In Phnom Penh City, there are lots of skyscrapers nowadays such as Gold Tower 42, Posco Condominium.

For Gold Tower 42, it is build by Korean Company which names Posco Company. It is the joint-venture between one famous Cambodian Company and P & C. They have started their advertisement via local media in Cambodia since 2006 because at that time, only this skyscraper is the higher building in Phnom Penh City, Cambodia. After long time of advertisement, there are lots of rich people and foreign investors are enjoyable of purchasing this real estate since the Cambodia Economy in 2008 were very high according to the rising of LAND PRICES all over the country, not only Phnom Penh City but also Rural Area and Remote Area. As a sequence, many people had income from land opportunity even farmer or middle class people had chance to buy new things such transportation, building, and other things. However, in 2007, there is a rumor that this building is suspended because it has no adequate finance to build or the investors ran away to their country. Luckily, in mid-2007, the building concrete has been built presided over Excellency Sok An, the Ministers of Cabinet. Until 2008, the world has faced the economic crisis because of the collapsed of Leomon Brother in the United State of America which is the biggest financial insurance in the world. Consequently, it spreads all over the globe and it also affects the main sector in Cambodia such skyscrapers, land, and other properties. On the same year, Cambodia also nearly ran the general election and the Thai armies invaded in Preach Vihear Temple over land 4.6 kilometers. So, most of Cambodian people were afraid of the invasion and election too; however, before both of these occurring, the price of land and building were peak to the highest price in Cambodia History within a decade. Beside these point, within the last few months in 2010, the Gold Tower 42 has been hailed the construction because of the Financial Problem and everyone is shocked and unbelievable since the building is regularly built till 30 floors already. Until now, the construction is still suspended with the crane on the top of the building and most of people consider  that this building will construct soon.
For other skyscraper, Posco Condominium, it has been built everyday even in the economic crisis because it has incorporated with a stable financial support. From the beginning until nowadays, this building is nearly finished as shown in the photos with good design and decoration. In addition, the building schedule will be finished in 2011 this year because the customers are waiting for living in the luxury life style that they have never lived before. However, the materials are imported from Korean that is good for Cambodian Economy since they must pay the imported tax to the Royal Government of Cambodia even in a small amount of tax. Furthermore, all this building also represents the new living standard of Phnom Penh People who currently improve and can earn more income because of the stability of Peace and Leadership of Cambodia Leaders.
In short, the tall buildings will be good for investors to build good image of Cambodia Economy and it also changes the living style for city people. 

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