Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Traffic in Phnom Penh

Nowadays, the situation of traffic in Phnom Penh is getting better and better now

because most of Cambodian people know the traffic law and they always wear the helmets while they are going out to work or study; however, in the night time, they rarely wear helmets because they think that the traffic police haven't worked in the important spot where most of the police are standing in the morning time. In addition, some teenagers who age between 16 and 25 years old are rarely wearing helmets while they are riding motorbike because they consider their hair's beauty is the main point rather than their life and when they wear it, they cannot show their new hair style and face to the other people who drive or ride along the same road as them. Moreover, they want to attract new pretty girls who ride motorbike to see their riding action and how smart they are while riding it. In contrast, drivers who live in Cambodia, especially Phnom Penh City always wears their seat belts during their driving because they can protect their lives in case of traffic accident. Furthermore, they want to obey the traffic law in order to avoid the fine from the traffic police. In some cases, the police and the disobeyed person always have an argument about the penalty as well because the police sometimes charge over the penalty price from the Ministry of Economic and Finance and they don't give the receipt to the disobeyed person since they ask many documents to write the bill in order to avoid doing it to those people and they can get some amount of those penalties; however, the disobeyed people sometimes don't want to pay the penalties at all even they knew that they are doing wrong and they refuse the fine to the police whilst they think that those money will be put in the traffic police instead of Custom Department.

In conclusion, the better of traffic law and the better of obeying the law will improve the worst traffic situations in Cambodia. And it will give reduce the traffic accidents' death from day to day and from year to year.

1 comment:

  1. Yes I agree with you. Nice portrayals great descriptions. Teenagers don't like wearing helmets. But I don't like that traffic polices very much. It's not fair for old and small car and motorcycle. You what I mean? For the luxury, they always let them through illegally what ever they've done. I was so furious once. When I cross the road, I'd already reached the new road and then the light turn yellow, they stopped me and said I crossed on the yellow light. I was fined! You know how I felt?
    Anyway! Well done though! Your blog is great. I like the topic.
