Friday, February 25, 2011

Old Markets in Phnom Penh City

In Phnom Penh, there are lots of markets where most of Cambodian people, especially Phnom Penh people come and buy their daily products to serve in their family.

For example, Oressy Market, Olympic Market, Dam Kor Market, and Central Market where normal people, middle people, high people, and tourists mostly come and enjoy purchasing their desired products. One of the most popular markets in Phnom Penh City is Central Market since this market just has been repaired in 2009 by French Architectures which donated the Financial Support by French Government and incorporated with City Hall. Recently, in 2011, most of the repaired parts have been done and the authorities allow the vendors to sell in their old places which are smaller than before because they want to expand the stalls where most of vendors do really want to run their business in this market,too. In addition, they also improve the pathway for clients or customers to walk smoothly around the market because before repairing it, it is very difficult to walk and stand while they want to buy food or products. Improper action in the market, the parking fee  collectors are really impolite at all because the parking fee stated that one car equals 500 Riels and motorbike or bike costs 300 Riels; however, they demand 2000 Riels to the car parker. For instant, my mother and I used to park in this Central Market. After buying product, we went to parking lot in order to get our car back home and we gave them 1000 Riels, but, they clap hand strongly to our windows' car in order to demand more 1000 Riels. Furthermore, the architectures design the attractive parking lots for car, bicycle, and motorbike since all of these transportation need to have lots of free space to park and ease the traffic around the market too. One good news, the City Hall gave advice and implemented it already by put the security cameras along the important walls in order to protect the valuable vendors' products and thieves actions who always commit crime when the customers aren't careful with their purses or wallets. In addition, the City Hall also plans to attract the vendors to run their business 24 hours per day and 7 days per week because it can lure many foreign tourists visit and buy their products, especially ready-food such as Khmer Noolde, Hot Coffee, Chinese Noodle, Khmer Desserts, and etc. Furthermore, the authorities also expand their security staffs to look around the market every second in order to make sure that there is no crime and stealing in the market. Beside these points, the French and Khmer Architectures also divide the parts of the market to each category such as grocery part, ready-food part, vegetable part, fruit part, clothes part, flower part, and jewelry part which is in the middle. these division are important for customers to find the proper place and easily meet the needs quickly.
In conclusion, all the markets in Phnom Penh City are very good and important for exchange goods and service between vendors and buyers, especially Central Market where most people come and enjoy their buying souvenir, food, and other things. This innovation will be good for Cambodia Economy to improve the living standard for Cambodian citizens who live all over the provinces because they can transport their farming products and industrial products to sell in their destination markets not only Central Market but also other markets.

1 comment:

  1. This article is very interesting! I didn't even know that Central Market opens 24hours though! Cambodia is changing every day. We can shop 24 hours. I haven't been shopping there since it started to repair. Thank to this blog makes me aware and want to shop again. I'm becoming a big fan to this blog. I love reading every article! Hey keep it going! You are becoming better and better! I want to read another article!
